This time next week, it is “Random Acts of Kindness Day”. Feb 17 2023 we can all (if we don’t do it already!) spend a little time being kind, randomly.
I know you are kind the rest of the time to everyone around you, but have you thought about someone you don’t know and how much pleasure it would bring to their face to find something unexpected on a bench, on their doorstep or inside a library book?
I recently wrote about this – you can check out the post here – and also spoke about it with children in school. When I said that I could leave a surprise for my neighbour who often helps me by getting my wheelie bin in, and not tell them I left it, you could hear the gasp of shock and delight! It was like finding a stocking on Christmas morning!
Children don’t often think that they could give things without someone knowing where they are from. Take Charlie Mackesy, author of the amazing book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. I follow Charlie on Insta and he very often leaves a copy of his book with a message inside on benches, in phone boxes, on a bus… It is a true act of kindness and he is spreading a message of kindness with the book too!
Just imagine…
Now, I am not saying you need to go and buy books or anything else, but if you and your child made some cookies, drew handmade cards, wrote postcards… and left them randomly for people to find and/or read, just think of the smile you had passed on.
So, if you do one thing next Friday, make it something kind 💗 You will feel as good as the person receiving will.
I’d love to hear your stories. Comment below if you did do a random act of kindness and let’s share the love!
Debbie x