Just a reminder that the tickets to our Chinese Dragon making workshop close on 12 Feb at 11:30pm! There are limited spaces, so don't miss out!
We have two versions of these wonderful papercraft puppets, so please specify which you would like your child to do when you get the email confirmation. This 3D head will be suitable for confident crafters aged 8+...

Our 2D version is also amazing and is suitable for younger children. We will teach both at the same time as I am being joined by our lead designer, Hannah, who created these fabulous papercraft heads herself!

Hope you can join us! There are two dates 20th & 21st Feb, both at 2pm. Click the dates for the links :)
We have more events coming up this month and we are starting to add March events too, so keep a look out for more info on these or follow us on Eventbrite
Take care and stay safe!
Deb x